Monday, July 10, 2006

Capstone II, Meeting Today

Today, the Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 5 p.m. in Building B of the Clifton Chernier Center at 220 W. Willow St. On the agenda of the meeting is a further proposal from the Capstone company to build yet more student apartments in Freetown. The site of this further development is land that is now the trailer park on the corner of Lamar and Stewart Streets.

No doubt the meeting will be attended by the usual sorry collection of plump, white greedy real estate types, attempting to argue that the development should go ahead, in the face of all logic and reason. They will probably claim that the development will be good for Lafayette, confusing the state of their own pocket books with the well being of the City as a whole.

It is for this reason that it is crucially important that as many people as possible make it out to the meeting and express their opposition to the Capstone proposal. Indeed, if this proposed expansion goes ahead, people living in Freetown will be thrown from their homes, so that Capstone can grab their 'Go Zone' Federal subsidy, to build apartments that are not needed.

Please make every effort to attend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what hatred I sense for plump white greedy real estate types? I think at the city council where your decision will be overturned , I will bring some plump black greedy real estate types.

7:52 PM  

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